Work with Me

Life doesn't have to be so hard  

I'll show you how to let the Universe do more of the work! 


Come on in! 

The vibes are immaculate.


Hi, I'm Christy...


I’m here to help you tackle life's hurdles, tap into your spiritual side, trust your gut, and level up into the magical wonder that you are! 

Work With Me!

How Can I Help?

Three paths to explore:

Private 1:1 Coaching & Services

Clarity by Christy Membership

Courses & Events

Your soul led you here for a reason!


Isn't it about time you started to listen to your intuition? It will open up a whole world of magic for you! I'd be honored to help guide you through your journey of spiritual, metaphysical, and personal development—let's embark on this adventure together!  
People often find me after trying everything to heal, empower themselves, shift mindsets, make positive changes, let go of the past, manage emotions, and make dreams come true—without quite hitting the mark.
Here's what you've been missing: I teach folks to master life by tuning into their intuition, energy, and spirit. Together, we move from struggle to manifesting their version of heaven on Earth.
Understanding energy isn't just about feeling good; it impacts us physically, emotionally, mentally, and spiritually. When we work energetically, it's like leveling up our whole well-being!
Work With Me

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Meet Christy Forsyth

Soul Therapist

Spiritual Guide

Energy Queen


Christy uses her intuitive abilities to help people shine brighter, live with intention, discover their inner magic, and reach for their highest potential. 




More about Christy

I've been training my whole life for this!  


I have connected to this calling my entire life.  Even as a child, I was focussed on helping others and holding space for them.  I have childhood memories of counseling and hypnosis sessions on the playground! My interest as a helper and a healer led me to seek training as an advocate, a licensed mental health counselor, a certified life coach, a clinical hypnotherapist, psychic development, and in energy healing modalities.  
I've always been aware that there are forces beyond me that are here to help.  My connection with the Angels, the metaphysical, and understanding energy goes back for as long as I can remember.  I am able to use guidance from these energies of the light, seeing auras, and feeling into energies to help people.  
It is through my own spiritual awakening and journey that I have learned to help others navigate theirs. It started with questions such as "Is there more to life than this?" I knew my soul was calling for something but I wasn't quite sure what it was.  It led to a process of deepening my spiritual and intuitive connection and making powerful life-changes such as starting my own business and leaving my career as a mental health counselor behind.  I still felt called to help people.  I just wanted to help them in a way that allowed me to use all of my gifts!  
That's how I created Soul Therapy—my own style of intuitively guided life coaching. In each session, we tailor our approach to your unique path, helping you move toward where your soul truly wants to be. It's personal growth with just the right blend of "woo."
Book Soul Therapy

No matter where you are at on your spiritual journey 

I've got you covered with a whole toolbox of options—from courses to my membership to events—that fit every budget and need. Whether you're diving deep or just dipping your toes, there's something here to spark your curiosity and fit your vibe. Let's find the perfect match for you!

Learn To Read Tarot

This pre-recorded 10-module course teaches you everything you need to know to read the Tarot both intuitively AND traditionally whether you are a beginner or looking to level up your knowledge. Also includes how to use Oracle cards and other types of cards such as the Lenormand. 
Take the class

The Clarity By Christy Membership

Tools, classes, and community centered around your spiritual, metaphysical, intuitive, and personal development. Only $9.99 monthly for your self-paced journey or as a supplement to your individual work with Christy.  


Sign Up

48 Hour Vibe Upgrade Retreat

Burn bridges with your bullsh*t
10X your confidence
Become the Universe's "It Girl."
Join Christy with Nichole Eaton for a fully immersive weekend in Orlando, FL 10/4-10/7!
Change Your Life In One Weekend

Free Resources!

Click the button below for access to my free resources and other resources that I highly recommend! 



Prayer Requests

Every week I make a list of your prayer requests and pray over them! Click below to get on my list and access some resources to support you through the challenges you are experiencing.  


Prayer Requests

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